Taking the Confusion Out of Internet Web Site Promotion

Internet web site promotion is one of those things that make you
go “hmmm”…

Seriously, there are so many ways to promote a website that
reviewing options for internet web site promotion and ultimately
choosing a route for promoting your website can be mind boggling.
It will much easier for you to decide which internet web site
promotion techniques are in your best interest if you have an
overview of the many options that are available. Providing an
overview that will enable you to make better decisions for your
internet web site promotion is my goal for this article.

Following are some simple explanations of common internet web
site promotion tools and techniques…

1. Publishing a newsletter

Publishing a newsletter is an internet web site promotion
technique that helps you to collect email addresses for opt-in
email campaigns as well as keeping you connected with previous
website visitors resulting in continuous web site promotion to
qualified individuals who have chosen to subscribe to your

2. Email marketing

Many internet marketers have found that email marketing is a
powerful web site promotion tool. The main thing to avoid with
email marketing is SPAMMING, which is sending unsolicited email
messages to recipients. For email marketing to be effective and
legal you have to have an opt-in list, a list of email addresses
for people who have chosen to receive email marketing messages
from you or on the topic you are addressing.

These opt-in lists for internet web site promotion can be
obtained through your newsletter or website, or can be purchased
from third-parties. However, if you purchase opt-in lists from
third-parties, always make sure that you know how the addresses
on the list were collected to ensure that they truly are
targeted, opt-ins.

3. Offering freebies

Because of human nature, people love free stuff – free products,
free information, free graphics, free services, anything free is
hot so offering freebies can be a good internet web site
promotion technique.

Publishing free articles that are of interest to your target
market, or better yet, giving away free articles with the right
to republish, is an excellent internet web site promotion
technique as long as the article contains information that will
direct readers to your site and republishing rights clearly state
that the information cannot be altered or removed prior to

4. Classifieds and e-zine advertising

Just like in the “real” business world where classified ads and
magazine advertisements are good promotional techniques,
classifieds and e-zines can be a great internet web site
promotion medium. There are a number of category specific
classified ad sites on the internet through which you can
purchase classified advertisements. There are also e-zines which
are effectively electronic magazines, as well as newsletters,
that offer classified advertising services.

5. Search engine optimization

Search engine optimization is a technique that optimizes your
website so when submitted to the search engines, it will get
indexed with a good rank. Effective search engine optimization
requires ongoing monitoring and adjustments to maintain your rank
in the search engine results. Though obtaining and maintaining a
good search engine ranking can be difficult, it is undoubtedly
the most effective internet web site promotion technique because
prospects that are looking for your products, services or
information will use the search engines to find you.

6. Shopping bots

Shopping bots are nifty internet web site promotion tools because
they help shoppers to find the best deal for whatever they are
shopping for. They actually give shoppers a comparison of various
websites that are offering the products or services with a brief
description of the offering and the price. Effective use of
shopping bots as an internet web site promotion tool will send
qualified shoppers that are ready to buy to your website.

7. Pay-per-click advertising

Pay-per-click advertising is an internet web site promotion tool
that enables you to bid on keywords that will put your website in
the top ranking in search engines.

8. Viral marketing

Viral marketing is one of the easiest and most inexpensive
internet web site promotion techniques. By including information
about your website at the end of email messages and other
correspondence to your contacts, the information will be spread
through a network of your contacts to others they come in contact

9. Newsgroup participation

If used properly, industry-based newsgroups can be awesome
internet web site promotion channels. By participating in a
newsgroup you can build your reputation as an expert in your
field as well as building trust-based relationships with those
interested in your products or services.

10. Press releases

Press releases are often underrated as internet web site
promotion tools. Press releases are actually sent to the media to
break news about your company. An effective press release that
captures a reporter’s attention has the potential of producing
massive media coverage that will be good for your internet web
site promotion.

11. Link campaigns

Link campaigns are relatively inexpensive ways to accomplish
internet web site promotion. The main point is to get relevant
websites to put your link on their site so their site visitors
can follow it to your website. This can be done through a
reciprocal link agreement, a link exchange where you put their
link on your site in exchange for them putting yours on their
site, or by paying for the placement of your link. Providing high
quality content that is of interest to another site’s customers
is also a great way to get others to link to your site.

12. Banner ads

Banner ads are ads that you buy that are displayed on other
websites. At one time they were thought to be an incredible
internet web site promotion technique, but over time they have
diminished in value. Even so, banner ads can still be used for
internet web site promotion.

13. Affiliate programs

When you have your own affiliate program, you basically
accomplish internet web site promotion via affiliates who
advertise your products and services for you for a fee. The fee
structure for an affiliate program is sometimes based on a
commission of sales from an affiliate’s referrals or on a pay-
per-visit structure for visits to your site that result from the
affiliate’s efforts. Affiliate programs aren’t only a great
internet web site promotion technique; they are also an
incredible tool for multiplying your sales through increased
marketing efforts that essentially cost you nothing.

Online SEO Marketing and How It Can Benefit Your Business

Having a website for your own business and using online SEO marketing is a great way to communicate with your loyal customers, while also attracting new ones as well, depending on the types of services and products you have to offer. When you are interested in growing your website even more, looking into the possibilities of incorporating more advanced online SEO marketing is one solution that will help to improve the rankings of your website in search engines all around the world. Looking into finding out more on this marketing strategy and how you can work with it yourself is possible. You can do without the help of a professional or working with companies that specialize in working with SEO strategies. If you don’t have the money to hire these kind of professionals and the time to implement this marketing strategy by yourself, taking care of your site’s SEO by yourself is a good strategy.

Before you set out to look more into working online and working with SEO marketing, it is important to first determine your website’s target audience and demographic and the most important keywords you would like to focus on when you do hire someone or begin researching SEO marketing for the site’s presence. Understanding the type of people you want your website to appeal to will help you with gaining the following and customers you are looking for, without spending unnecessary money on advertising that may attract a crowd that is not interested in your company or site and what it has to offer.

Once you have a plan in place as far as who you are targeting with your site and how you would like to reach them, you can then start to research online SEO marketing from home; by reading books, seeking out a local internet marketing company using traditional phone books and other business directories in your local area, or joining an online marketing community that will teach you the ropes. When you start looking for more information on SEO marketing from home, you can learn for free using some video tutorials and also by reading online step by step guides for implementing SEO into your site’s coding on your own, without hiring someone for help.

One benefit of adding SEO to your own website includes helping to increase the number of times your link is viewed in the search results (ultimately leading to more traffic and page views on the website as well along with potential customers or clients). Additionally, another benefit of using some SEO techniques in your website, is to help with gaining brand recognition, regardless of the type of company or business you are currently running. The more your name and business URL appears in the search engines and is scattered throughout the web, the more others will link to your website, spreading the word of your site and also the name of it as well. This helps to improve branding without paying for a service professionally. Looking into online SEO marketing is vital for any company in today’s world, as more and more transactions are completed online. This allows businesses that are not currently online to expand in the eCommerce world, helping to improve sales and increase customer loyalty in the long run.

As mentioned above, if you have the money, you can hire an SEO professional to do all the work for you. Keep in mind that most (quality) SEO services will put you back a couple of hundred dollars a month. If you can’t afford this right now, taking S

Site Promotion to the Max

Site promotion is absolutely critical in creating a successful online presence. Without site promotion consider your personal web site or your ecommerce business dead in the water. If you are planning on building a new web site or have a poor performing web site it is extremely important to promote it properly in order to boost visitors and profits. Here are some tips on using site promotion to its fullest.

Site promotion may sound easy in theory but can be much more difficult when applying it to the ecommerce arena. Many people have wasted hundreds or even thousands of dollars advertising their products to the wrong audience or wasting money on promotion tools that show little return on investment. If you are serious about site promotion it is important to do some research and choose the various types of site promotion that will work for your web site.

Many web developers have grand expectations, they figure that if they build a great web site filled with lots of information and great products, thousands of web visitors will land on their web site automatically. This is absolutely not true! The old saying, “build it and they will come” does not apply to the internet. There are thousands, possibly millions of web sites that are very good quality but get very few visitors each month. If you want to succeed then site promotion is key.

Most people choose the following types of site promotion; paid advertising, reciprocal link exchange, viral marketing, opt in email specials and newsletters, and forum and blog posting.

Most people look to paid advertising as their first source of site promotion. While paid advertising can sharply increase web visitors, it can cost a tremendous amount of money for small budget web sites and your visitors will stop visiting your site once your advertisements stop. However, Google AdWords has made site promotion through paid advertising extremely attractive for small budgeted web developers. Google AdWords allows web developers to spend as low as $.05 per visitor to their web site. For many people this is a great way to attract attention to their web site and products, but for competitive markets, the cost of a visitor can be much more expensive, sometimes $1 – $15 each.

If Google AdWords is not a perfect fit for your site or product, there are plenty of successful web sites that will sell you advertising space on their web site. If you have a niche product that requires a niche audience, pick a web site that can deliver that audience and promote your site by paying for ad space.

Link exchanges are also great for site promotion. Link exchanges work by swapping a link which is your URL in hyper text. Many link exchanges also include with your URL a short synopsis of information about your web site. You can swap your web site links with hundreds or even thousands of different web sites fast and easily. By having your link and short synopsis, you can greatly increase your site promotion and be in front of thousands of eyeballs each month.

Besides reciprocal links you can also increase your site promotion through viral marketing. Viral marketing is a great concept for site promotion. In fact, there are two easy ways to create a viral marketing program for site promotion. Most people create articles that include their link and web site information and then make these articles available for free distribution. There are hundreds of article distribution sites that many web developers use for free content. These web developers that need fresh and original content for their web sites download your article along with the your link and web site information and place it on their web site. With your article distributed to many article distribution sites and downloaded and placed on many web sites, you can increase your exposure 1,000% in a short amount of time.

If articles are not your forte, you can choose to give away a computer code or any item that can posted on other web sites that will bring you a free advertisement and true viral marketing site promotion.

Opt in email is also a great idea for site promotion. If you are paying a lot of money and putting in lots of time to get visitors to your web site, once visitors show up, don’t let them slip away so easily. Many web developers request their visitors email addresses so that they can offer them more information about the topics that their visitors are interested in. If you are creating a web site, include a place where your visitors can freely sign up to receive a free weekly or monthly newsletter, a free trial of a product or service that you are offering or notification of specials or coupons for products. Opt in email is great for web developers. A web developer can easily create a long list of emails from visitors that are interested in the web site, products and services that the web developer offers.

Another great idea for site promotion is to post important information about your web site, products or services on web forums and blogs. There are tons of forums that attract many viewers. For instance, if you have a web site that sells gold coins, look for a coin collecting forum or coin collecting blog and post relevant information about the forum topic or blog topic along with your link back to your web site. You will be surprised at how many people will visit your site and check out your products. However, make sure that your information is relevant and not just a link. Many people don’t mind you linking to your web site as long as you provide valuable and relevant information.

So remember, do some research and figure out which types of site promotion will take your web site, products and services to the max.

Search Engine Optimization Improves Your Business Online

SEO services are among the most sought after services by businesses. An online presence for businesses is as vital as having a physical presence today. SEO involves many techniques that allow Google to easily find and index your web pages. SEO helps internet marketers and online business owners build a good reputation and this in turn furthers their business prospects. Social media, link building, on-page optimization and off page optimization are techniques that SEO experts use to enhance the possibilities of search engines finding their websites.

Search engine optimization revolves around the idea of driving more traffic to websites. This is achieved by working towards increasing a web page’s page rank via SEO techniques. A higher page rank means that web users will access the site more often and this is what increases the traffic driven to a website. Once a user reaches your website, neat designs and good content will ensure that the user doesn’t exit your website. Thus, technical experts and content writers also form a vital part of a Search Engine Optimization team. Technical experts work towards making a website user friendly so that users do not come across any hurdles while browsing through your website. Good content will help users understand what your website does and gives a good first impression that they can expect quality services from you.

SEO outsourcing has become common nowadays as there are dedicated teams that work to build your online presence. As opposed to building an in-house team for search engine optimization, online business owners outsource the SEO work to specialized companies that provide exclusive SEO services. Such companies provide a realm of SEO services starting with a complete analysis of your website. Web masters have confirmed that customized SEO services will result in more traffic to your website. This is owing to the fact that every business has a specific requirement and a different target audience. Keeping these facts in mind SEO companies craft exclusive and customized search engine optimization services for your online business. Online marketers work towards building brand awareness for companies and succeed via SEO techniques. PPC or Pay Per Click campaigns are also a sure shot method of driving immense amount of traffic to your website. PPC campaigns work as online advertising campaigns that will advertise your website and its services to potential users pulling them back to the website and hopefully converting them into potential business.